I have been held up the past couple of weeks because we had family visit. And now I am playing a little bit of catch-up. I just finished writing "Is It Ever OK to Be Naive" and I hope to knock out "Outrageous lies and why they do not matter" before I film both of them back to back this week. I also have finished filming "The Spiritual Butterfly Effect" and hope to have it ready to be banked for launch in the coming weeks. Lots of fun topics I have been looking through - but I also want to present something new - here first - before anywhere else.
Back when I began researching for Godly Guy Stuff, the video topics began to become separated into THREE major segments - 1) General Topics - which is what I have been working on for these first 10 weeks and two additional branches. My prayer was that if I ever reached 10 videos, I would begin taking steps into these two new branches. Small steps, not as strong as the general topics branch, but maybe for every 3 general topics, I would release 1-2 videos on the two sub-branches depending on the month and if it had a fifth Thursday.
Therefore, at the end of this week, I will begin researching into these sub-branches and every month, post at least 1 video from these banks of topics while the general library gains 3.
Get ready! Because here comes:
Godly Dad Stuff!
Godly Husband Stuff!
NEW VIDEO 👉🏽 Time Management - Our Weakest Link
Time is no man’s friend. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe humans have an inability to perfect time management. If there were a way to do this, someone long ago would have become ruler of the world! Instead, we are inundated with thousands upon thousands of task management systems all claiming to be the perfect solution. I've tried dozens of time management systems myself and while each of them have their own unique positives, sadly none have the ability to rein me in. We are too individually unique for there to be a one-answer-for-all solution in time management.
Godly Guy Stuff – Volume 1 is NOW AVAILABLE!! Ten chapters based off the Godly Guy Stuff Video series. If you or your small group are interested in walking through a process to strengthen yourself and those around you, this book could be a great asset in your library. The GOAL for Volume 1 is: A book for Godly men to study on how we as men can have a stronger impact in our lives and the lives of those who depend on us. This is not just a book, but a book and workbook combined! Therefore, no additional materials are needed for this to be a study. Each chapter has six questions listed in the end, three focused on the mind of man, and three on how to develop a solid response from the Godly Guy. Also, each page has been built with a large portion kept blank in order to give you space to write notes as you read. Capture your thoughts next to mine and help complete the conversation. Click on the link to order your copy today! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CH2F8QLP